


CEA CAPA's Study + Internship Abroad Programs

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当学生想要从学生转变为年轻的专业人士时,宝博体育项目是理想的选择. These unpaid pre-professional opportunities are great for developing workplace skills, learning about a career, giving students workplace experience for their résumé, maintaining a healthy work/life balance, and helping students build a professional network.

CEA CAPA的海外学习+宝博体育项目将学生的课程和宝博体育相结合,以使他们在毕业前保持在正轨上. 充分利用在国外的宝博体育经历,获得宝贵的宝博体育经验和全球意识.

CEA CAPA Study + Internship Programs

CEA CAPA Study + Internship Programs



CEA CAPA 伦敦 Center

Explore Global Perspectives on Nursing and Comparative 健康care. Interested in nursing, midwifery, and medical practice? 了解历史和社会变化如何影响护理功能的发展,并研究伦理是如何影响护理功能的, 社会学, 宗教, 法律, 经济学, 哲学影响了临床实践,也影响了护士和助产士的角色.
这个为期6周的暑期课程提供了一个独特的机会,以获得护理的新视角,比较美国和英国的医疗保健系统,并探讨全民医疗保健的问题, including issues of inequality in accessing it.


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  • Starting at $8,895
Study + Internship in Aix-en-Provence

Study + Internship in Aix-en-Provence

Aix-en-Provence, 法国

运用你的法语技能,融入当地文化,同时获得雇主看重的实践经验!  在普罗旺斯艾克斯的学习+宝博体育计划可以让你在发展艺术等领域的实用技能的同时,朝着你的学术学位稳步前进, 艺术历史, 业务, 沟通, 教育, 新闻, 历史, 博物馆研究, 可持续性, 旅游, 和更多的. The program incorporates a professional internship placement as part of your studies abroad. Courses are taught in English and French. Learn more about the benefits of a CEA internship.


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  • Starting at $9,695
Study + Internship in 巴塞罗那

Study + Internship in 巴塞罗那

CEA CAPA 巴塞罗那 Center

巴塞罗那的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $6,995
Study + Internship in 都柏林

Study + Internship in 都柏林

CEA CAPA 都柏林 Center

都柏林的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $7,695
Study + Internship in 弗洛伦斯

Study + Internship in 弗洛伦斯

CEA CAPA 弗洛伦斯 Center

佛罗伦萨的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements. 


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  • Starting at $8,095
Study + Internship in Granada

Study + Internship in Granada

University of Granada

在学习中获得学分,同时融入当地文化和工作场所+宝博体育机会. 格拉纳达的学习+宝博体育项目可以让你在获得学位的同时,在社会工作等领域培养实用技能, 医疗保健, 旅游, 和教育, 和更多的. 该计划将专业宝博体育安排纳入您的学期或夏季国外学期.  Our strong academic focus and placements dedicated to meaningful experiences that make a real impact, 让你兼顾这些学位要求,在获得你一直在寻找的国际经验的同时,给你的职业生涯带来推动.


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  • Starting at $5,995
Study + Internship in Grenoble

Study + Internship in Grenoble

CEA CAPA Grenoble Center - Extension, Université Grenoble - Alpes
French Alps: Grenoble, 法国

格勒诺布尔的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习.


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  • Starting at $6,995
Study + Internship in 伦敦

Study + Internship in 伦敦

CEA CAPA 伦敦 Center

伦敦的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士而设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $8,895
Study + Internship in 马德里

Study + Internship in 马德里

CEA CAPA 马德里 Center, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

马德里的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • 起价7795美元
Study + Internship in 巴黎

Study + Internship in 巴黎

CEA CAPA 巴黎 Center

巴黎的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士而设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $7,495
Study + Internship in 布拉格

Study + Internship in 布拉格

CEA CAPA 布拉格 Center, University of New York in 布拉格, Charles University, Anglo-American University
布拉格, 捷克共和国

布拉格的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements


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  • Starting at $7,295
Study + Internship in 罗马

Study + Internship in 罗马

CEA CAPA 罗马 Center

罗马的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $7,895
Study + Internship in 塞维利亚

Study + Internship in 塞维利亚

CEA CAPA 塞维利亚 Center, Pablo de Olavide University, University of 塞维利亚, EUSA University Center

塞维利亚的学习+宝博体育计划是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $6,995
Study + Internship in 悉尼

Study + Internship in 悉尼

CEA CAPA 悉尼 Center

悉尼的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士而设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. During the program, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, but may include: 学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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  • Starting at $8,595